Ons is die vervaardiger van bio-afbreekbare Wax Melt clamshells vorms. Ons het vierkant, ronde en hartvormige vormpies in voorraad. U kan ook die struktuur en handelsmerklogo aanpas. Sommige hoëgehalteverkopers en vakmanne van Amazon is ons langtermynvennote.
5 holte snap staaf clamshell Pack
Reghoekige 5-holte snap staaf met logo vorm aanpassing vervaardiger.
'n Klein hoeveelheid vormkoste-belegging kan baie keer herhaal word
China se professionele verskaffer van wassmeltvorms
Pasgemaakte LOGO MOQ5000PCS
Stock mold MOQ1000 pieces

5 holte snapbalk met logo
Pasmaak 5 holte snap bars met jou eie handelsmerk.
Slegs 'n klein bedrag aan vormontwikkelingskoste hoef betaal te word, dit wil sê, handelsmerk gerealiseer kan word.
Wêreldwye aflewering, gemaak in China.Eco deursigtige materiaal
Pasgemaakte LOGO MOQ5000 STKS.
6 holte vierkante was smelt clamshell
Gewoonlik, daar is voorraad, jy kan kontak om direk te koop. Ons het 'n ryk ervaring in gestuur, maak nie saak in watter land jy is nie, jy kan die goedere maklik ontvang terwyl jy by die huis sit. MOQ1000 STKS

was smeltende hartvormige plastiekhouer
Algemeen in voorraad beskikbaar, jy kan kontak om direk te koop. Die hartvormige struktuur is baie geskik vir gebruik by herdenkings of feeste. Dit bevat nie geurkerse nie en is 'n leë plastiekhouer. MOQ1000 STKS.
6 holte ronde was smelt houers
Ronde kersdopvormpies is ook een van die gewilde kershouers. Ons het 'n groot voorraad en kan direk gestuur word sonder om te wag en vormkoste te ontwikkel. Natuurlik, jy moet die LOGO of handelsmerk daarop aanpas, moenie huiwer om ons te kontak nie.MOQ1000PCS

wax smelt clamshell vorms Vorm en handelsmerk logo pasgemaak
Pas jou eie was-smeltvorms aan / houers handelsmerklogo
- Herwinbare en bioafbreekbare plastiekmateriaal
- 16+ jaar ondervinding in fabrieksproduksie
- Langtydse verskaffer aan Amazon se topverkopers
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- Van tekeningontwerp tot vormkonstruksie en houerproduksie onder dieselfde dak
- Koste-effektiewe multi-plan vervoer diens
- Pasgemaak Jou handelsmerk clamshell verpakking vir was smelt

Wax smelt clamshell verpakking -Uitste gids

Oor ons Wax melt clamshell verpakking
Green plastic packaging Co., Bpk. is a professional packaging factory manufacturer, we have been engaged in the packaging industry for more than 10 jare, I believe we can meet your various packaging needs.
Wax melts clamshell is the best packaging for snap bar Clamshell packaging. It is not only packaging but also can be the molds for making the wax melt. That’s means when you make the eco friendly wax melts packaging, you also complete the packaging of the product. In this way, you can more easily make the wax melt into a complete product, quickly open the market and sell it. This is the reason why biodegradable wax melt packaging is so popular in the market.
If you want to start a wax melt business, you may wish to read our article to learn more details and prepare for your business.
Wat is eko-vriendelike clamshell verpakking vir was smelt?
Die was smelt is 'n geurproduk, net soos die geurige kers. As jy by die huis was wat smelt, dit kan jou huis vol geur maak. Was smelt is om sojawas of paraffien te verhit om te smelt, voeg die geur by wat jy wil hê, en gooi dit dan in die vorm om af te koel en reg te maak, jy kan 'n perfekte wassmelt kry.
Hoekom is was smelt gewild?
In vergelyking met die gebruik van tradisionele geurkerse, was smelt lyk geriefliker en veiliger. Geurkerse het lonte en moet aangesteek word, wat maklik 'n brandgevaar inhou as daar kinders of troeteldiere in die huis is. Die was wat smelt hoef nie aan die brand te steek nie, solank dit op 'n spesiale verwarmer geplaas word, dit sal geleidelik smelt en geur afgee.
Die soorte snap bar clamshell verpakking
Ons het 'n verskeidenheid style vir jou om van te kies, wat aan u verskillende behoeftes kan voldoen. As jy 'n unieke ontwerp en logo wil hê, ons kan dit ook vir jou aanpas. Hieronder is 'n paar van ons verskillende vorms van was smelt clamshell verpakking.
6 holte vierkante was smelt clamshell, is die mees gebruikte en gewildste universele vierkantige herwinbare wassmeltverpakking op die mark

6 holte vierkante was smelt clamshell grootte | Grootte van die holte |
4.33″*2.95″*1″ | .98″*.98″*.98″ |
110*75*25.4mm | 25*25*25mm |

6 holte ronde was smelt houers, Dit is ook 'n baie basiese gesmelte clamshell, wat inkom 6 ronde vorms met groter holtes as die vierkantige een.

6 holte ronde was smelt clamshell grootte | Grootte van die holte |
5″*3″*1″ | Reis.1″*Hoogte.98″ |
127*76*25.4mm | Dia.26*Hoogte24mm |

6 holtewas smelt plastiekhouer, dit is 'n baie oulike hartvorm. Hierdie een sal meer mense se aandag trek, troues, herdenkings, Valentynsdag is baie gewild.

6 cavity wax melt clamshell size | Grootte van die holte |
4.45″*2.95″*1″ | 1”*.9”*.98” |
115*75*25.4mm | 25.4*22*25mm |

Round Wax Melts clamshell container 5 heart Cavity. This product is a custom-made product, and the size is made according to your needs.

Rectangle wax melt snap bar packaging 5 cavity

wax snap bar packaging 5 cavity, This snap bar wax melt clamshell packaging is one of the more popular styles these days, and customers can choose to have their logo engraved on the middle circle.

Custom your desired empty biodegradable packaging for wax melts
We can not only customize the logo for you but also accept the customization of the shape, grootte, thickness of the eco friendly wax melt plastic packaging. If you need high temperature resistant Candle Tins or have a special style and idea, You can leave us a message or email. We have professional designers who can draw design drawings according to your requirements.
The advantages of wax melt clamshell packaging
Wax melt clamshell packaging is very convenient and easy to use. It can be used either as packaging and as molds for wax melt. All you have to do is pour the wax into the blister and wait for it to cool and form, then you get a wonderful wax melt. When you need to use wax melt, you can take one piece out of the cavity and put the rest back into the wax melt container for further storage. If you have your brand, you can design your logo, print it out, and stick it on your wax melt clamshell. Then you can get a perfect wax melt product to open your market.
The material and thickness of the wax melts packaging
We use PET material, PET is 'n herwinbare materiaal, nie-giftig en smaakloos. Alhoewel die PET-materiaal hoë temperature kan weerstaan tot 150 grade, die kersblaar moet by 'n temperatuur onder gebruik word 80 grade Celsius, andersins, die plastiek-klapdop sal deur hitte vervorm word. Daarom, ons stel voor dat na die sojawas heeltemal gesmelt is, dit moet effens afgekoel word voordat dit in die wassmeltverpakking gegooi word, om blaasvervorming te vermy wat die estetika en lekkasie van die gesmelte was sal beïnvloed.
As jy bekommerd is dat die was smelt plastiekhouer te dun is, veroorsaak dat die clamshell lek wanneer die was daarin gegooi word? Wees asseblief verseker dat die dikte van ons wassmeltstaafverpakking ten minste 0,5 mm is, wat genoeg is om die wassmeltproses perfek te ondersteun. Natuurlik, you can also customize thicker candle blisters from us
How to open a wax melt clamshell more easily?
In order to prevent the wax melt from falling off easily in transportation, some companies will make the buckle of the eco friendly wax melt packaging tighter, which will cause a little difficulty to open the lid. If you are worried that it will be difficult to open the lid, try closing and opening the lid several times before pouring the wax to open the lid more easily. Our company’s mold has been tested and feedback by many customers, and adjusted buckle to the tightness that most consumers are satisfied with. Even the lady who has done nail art can open and close smoothly, so you can use it safely.
How to take out wax melt from the container more easily?
As jy nuut is met was, smelt produksie en die temperatuurbeheer is nie goed genoeg nie, dit is baie waarskynlik dat 'n situasie sal voorkom, dit wil sê, dit is moeilik om die wassmelt van die clamshellholte te skei.
Hoe om wassmelt makliker uit die houer te haal? Ek kan 'n klein truuk met jou deel, dit wil sê, sit die wassmelt in die yskas en wag vir 10-15 minute. Die wassmelt sal heeltemal gestol word. Op hierdie oomblik, jy kan die wassmelt maklik uithaal.
Hoe om die konsentrasie van wassmeltende geur te beheer?
Baie mense het verskillende sensitiwiteit vir reuke. Hoe om die aromaterapie-geur aan te pas by jou beste konsentrasie? Die wassmeltende clamshell-verpakking het gewoonlik 5 of 6 geskei wasblokke, wat ongeveer 0.4OZ elk is. As jy dink die geur is te sterk, you can cut the wax block in half and use it, and the fragrance will become weaker.
If your home is larger, you can add another piece of wax to melt on the wax heater, so that the fragrance will become stronger. When you don’t need fragrance, turn off the heater, the wax will melt and solidify again, and you can reuse it next time
The smell of wax melt plastic packaging
When we were doing market research, we found that some people in the market reported that the wax melt container packaging had a plastic smell. Why is this?
Because the more inferior plastics will have a greater smell, the smell of recycled plastics will also be greater than the smell of brand new materials. Our company uses a brand-new PET material, it is eco-friendly clamshell packaging for wax melts, so jy hoef nie bekommerd te wees oor reuke nie.
As jy nou baie ongelukkig is, jy het reeds 'n bondel plastiekwas-knipstaafverpakking gekoop. Ons kan 'n paar wenke vir ontgeuring met jou deel.
a. Hou lugsirkulasie. As jou blister 'n plastiekreuk het, jy kan dit in 'n koel en geventileerde plek buite plaas, sodat die wind die meeste van die reuk kan wegneem.
b. Sit 'n paar sakke geaktiveerde koolstof in die clamshell-pakket en gebruik die adsorpsie van geaktiveerde koolstof om 'n eienaardige reuk uit te skakel.
c. Die skil van pomelo en lemoen kan ook 'n eienaardige reuk absorbeer, en om die skil in die wassmeltverpakkingstoorplek te plaas, kan ook van die plastiekreuk uitskakel. Natuurlik, jy kan ook die skil in die yskas los om die eienaardige reuk te absorbeer.
Another situation is that the plastic clamshell may conflict with the smell of the flavor you added, resulting in a different flavor.
When you smell a peculiar smell, you can try adding another fragrance to see how effective it is.
Transportation of wax melt clamshell packaging
Some customers feedback that when they were transporting the clamshell wax melt containers, the corners of the blister at the bottom were easily dented by the weight. As a blister manufacturer, how do we ensure that we avoid dents during blister transportation?
We generally use nested transportation to transport the blister/clamshell and then stack the blister upright to keep the damage to a minimum.

unique wax melt packaging Inventory, delivery, en onderdele
Nou het ons 6 pakke van die vierkant, hart, en ronde was-smeltterthouers in voorraad. As jy meer hoeveelheid benodig, jy kan ons eers kontak en ons sal kyk of daar genoeg voorraad is.
As jy wassmeltende clamshell wil aanpas, ons afleweringstyd is oor die algemeen 8-12 werksdae nadat die ontwerp bevestig is.
En ons sal voorsien 1% spaar verpakking, dit wil sê, as jy bestel 3000 produkte, ons sal voorsien 30 onderdele.
Probleme wat aandag waardig is by die pasmaak van was-smelt-klapdop-verpakking
Gebruik ons kristalhelder Clamshell-vorm om die was vinnig en maklik te smelt. Ons Clamshells kan weerstaan 80 °C. Dit kan deur enige herwinningsentrum langs die pad herwin word, wat omgewingsvriendelike afbreekbare materiaal is.
As jy 'n bestelling wil plaas, you can contact any of our sales staff. If possible, please provide details of your request as clearly. So we can give you a quotation as soon as possible. For design or further discussion, it is best to contact us via WhatsApp, or other online means to prevent delays Email:[email protected]
We are an OEM manufacturer specializing in the production of packaging boxes for more than ten years, covering A total area of more than 2,000 square meters in Shenzhen! Our factory has passed IS09001:2000, SGS factory inspection. We provide one-stop packaging solution services from design to delivery of the goods! Our advanced complete set of equipment ensures the competitive quality and price!
1) The style of the wax melt clamshell, such as 6 squares /6 hearts
2) Material and thickness. Universal wax melt clamshell material and thickness is PET, 0.5mm.
3) Logo design.
4) Hoeveelheid. Gewoonlik, our minimum order quantity of universal style is 1000pcs. The MOQ for the custom product is 3000pcs.
Ja, Generally simple logo and text are no problem. So please first communicate with our sales staff to see if your logo is suitable to be printed on the blister.
After you provide a detailed quotation request, we will usually reply with the price within 6-12 hours. Gewoonlik, the real-time chat software communication will get a faster response, thank you.
Custom samples normally need 5-7 werksdae. Existing stock samples need 1-2 dae.
Om eerlik te wees, dit hang af van die aantal bestellings en die seisoen waarin jy dit plaas. As 3000 stuks, oor die algemeen 7-15 dae.50 000-100 000 stukke, ons sal hulle gewoonlik binne voltooi 15-20 dae.
Ons aanvaar EXW, FOB, CFR, CIF, DDU, DDP, ens. Jy kan kies wat die gerieflikste of koste-effektiefste vir jou is.