
Transparent Eco Friendly Plastic Food Packaging Boxes Containers With Lid

Transparent food packaging boxes have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their ability to showcase the product inside and provide a clear view for consumers. 結果, many manufacturers have started producing transparent food packaging boxes to meet the growing demand.

Green packaging is the leading manufacturer of high-quality transparent food packaging boxes. With years of industry experience, green packaging has established itself as a transparent food box supplier for global customers.

Food Grade Clear Plastic Packaging Boxes Made in China Specialist

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Plastic food containers

帶蓋嘅塑料食品儲存容器一般由硬質食品級透明塑料材料製成, 不僅可以展示食物,仲可以長時間重複使用.

plastic cookie - Custom Transparent Packaging Manufacturer
chocolate plastic box packaging1


摺疊式透明膠盒廣泛應用於食品領域. 可定製不同的結構和尺寸. 生產周期短,模具成本低係摺疊塑料卡通盒嘅優點.

塑料管都係食品工業中嘅常見款式. 圓柱形結構不僅顯示大,而且堅固. 通常在底部密封,頂部蓋.

使用CMYK印刷貼紙或金箔印刷, 質素更搶眼.

plastic-candy-tubes-chocolate plastic packaging

塑膠食品包裝盒 - 終極指南

We only use the highest quality materials to produce our transparent food packaging boxes. Our box is made of food -grade pet materials and can be used with food and provides excellent clarity and durability. We also provide various customized options, 包括尺寸, shape and printing to meet the unique needs of customers.

Our transparent food packaging boxes are very suitable for various foods, including baked foods, snacks, 糖果, 等. They are very suitable for retail display because they can clearly see the views of the internal products and can be easily stacked and stored. Our box is also an ideal choice for transportation, because they are light and durable to ensure that your products reach your destination in a perfect state.

In addition to our standard transparent food packaging box, we also provide environmental protection choices for customers who want to reduce environmental impact. Our environmentally friendly box is made of biodegradable materials and can be recycled after use, which makes them sustainable choices for companies that want to reduce carbon footprints.

Green packaging is committed to providing customers with high -quality transparent food packaging boxes that meet their unique needs. Whether you need to customize printing, environmental protection choices or standard sizes and shapes, we all have professional knowledge and experience to provide perfect solutions for your business. Contact us immediately to understand more information about our products and services.

我司主要介紹摺疊食品包裝盒. 摺疊食品盒有好多種款式供您選擇, 其中大多數係一次過食品包裝盒. 如透明塑料食品包裝盒, 紙質一次過食品容器, 繙蓋式食品包裝盒, 櫥窗紙食品包裝盒, 等. 呢啲都係而家市場上流行嘅食品包裝盒. 讓我們給您詳細介紹這些流行的食品包裝盒.



透明膠盒 食品包裝而家好鬼受歡迎,因為它不僅可以用作普通嘅一次過塑料包裝盒,仲可以用作您的婚禮蛋糕包裝膠盒, 嬰兒沐浴派對糖果盒, 畢業典禮, 單身女仔, 萬聖節派對禮物盒或生日禮品盒.


如果您從事蛋糕業務, 有好多風格嘅蛋糕需要包裝. 你會為每個蛋糕定製一個包裝盒呀?? 呢種包裝嘅成本將非常高. 如果您選擇使用透明嘅一次過蛋糕容器, 咁你就唔需要為呢啲蛋糕定製不同風格嘅包裝同印刷, 大挫了成本. 如果你喺透明嘅蛋糕容器周圍繫上絲帶, 它將成為一個禮品盒.

透明食品包裝盒係儲存同運輸嘅完美包裝選擇. 如果您的食物需要參加交易會或周末市場, 把您的食品包裝在透明盒子中,以便消費者可以直觀地看到您的產品, 同時防止您的食物被購物者直接觸摸. 都要郵寄更容易,因為食物已經包裝喺包裝中.

Transparent cake packaging container - Custom Transparent Packaging Manufacturer


3 英寸, 4 英寸, 5 英寸, 6-英寸便攜式, 及便攜式生態食品級塑料包裝盒.

底部襯托食品級紙卡,防止移動和溢出. 膠盒嘅表面可以印刷和壓花.


三種庫存大小最小起訂量500个批發。 包含內部食品級紙墊.


用崇高嘅食品包裝盒紙皮窗為您的產品帶來優雅嘅吸引力. 平嘅食品級杯蛋糕包裝盒與透明窗口/定製設計紙禮品盒紙包裝盒.




我哋可以根據您的不同食品製作安全且具有保護性嘅熱成型托盘包裝, 使用食品級PET材料, 可冷藏而不起霧. 重疊包裝節省運輸量.

呢啲產品有各種庫存規格可供選擇, 以及DIY定製(最小起訂量5000個)

我哋有透明嘅泡罩包裝 2/3/4/5/6/10/12/15/24 马卡龙. 另外, 它都可以定製.

最直觀地展示您的精緻甜點, 食品級可回收材料

隨著越嚟越多嘅國家嚴格控制塑料包裝嘅使用, 好多客戶不得不放棄賣好嘅透明管包裝. 講真, 大多數客戶誤解了塑料材料. 我哋公司既有符合食品級要求嘅PETG塑料管,也有符合歐盟要求嘅可生物降解ECOpet材料製成嘅透明管材包裝, 美國, 同東南亞國家.

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我公司生產多種規格同印刷塑料包裝盒,用于壽司外賣包裝, 將增加您的壽司銷售.

我哋有好多規格同風格. 麻麻, 食品級寵物底和OPS具有良好的耐低溫性和防霧性能,用作透明蓋子, 即使喺低溫環境下都唔易起霧.



常規食品級材料食品級PET, 摺疊式透明膠盒, 食品級塑料管同一次過塑料包裝盒同蛋糕盒同壽司包裝.



2 包裝專家在線
